At this stage, the rolling machine is widely used in machine manufacturing. Because the use of threading machine production screws can save time and effort, while the screws are not prone to rotten teeth, broken and so on.
When the threading machine operation, the main motor shares moving large pulley, pulley drive spindle eccentric shaft, eccentric shaft through the convergence rod, driven rolling board reciprocating motion. Cam drive pendulum, through the drive shaft, swing lever drive rocker. The threading of the thread is one step at a time.
The use of the threading machine should be carefully checked before the use of safety equipment is safe, and the operation should always be punctual view, to avoid loose due to loose, and prohibit the use of hand touch the workpiece and rolling board, to avoid the formation of trouble. Before stopping the threading, you should stop the supply of blanks, to be between the two rolling plate without blank, before the power supply.
The above information provided by the Jin Qi Industrial Co., Ltd., please reprint please indicate the source. Our professional production of rolling machine, rolling machine, head machine, cold heading machine, screw head machine, screw machine. If necessary, please contact us: 0769-83205377.